Wednesday 2 November 2011

Monkeys in my heart, are rattling their cages

Gary Jules-Falling Awake

Even the title of this song evokes thought! His song is ghostly and beautiful. Like there is no hope left in the world but it's okay. So relaxing. It makes me feel like everything around me is falling down and collapsing like an apocalyptic world, but there's nothing I can do about it so I may as well just relax and accept it; horrific as it is.

Obviously this doesn't happen to me on a daily basis but it does help me accept the little uncomfortable things; people being cruel, failing tests and feeling lonely. Little things that everyone experiences.

There is far too much "angry" music at the moment. The lyrics aren't offensive or angry but the music itself is. It's shouted or blasted at you and it makes me personally very uptight and anxious and almost angry at the world, maybe it's the commercial machines plan...get us to self destruct. I doubt it. But I think music like this is good for you, it makes me feel physically and mentally relaxed, although not great for writing UCAS as it makes me almost not care.

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