Monday 30 May 2011

My Yvonne-Jack Penate

Monday 30th May 2011

So here it goes, you ready for a different song every day? I could probably do about 4 a day and still continue this my whole life however I shall limit myself to one.
If I could make a job out of reviewing music I would be living the dream life! Maybe a radio presenter but for now I shall do this in my spare time.

Onto the song of the day, pretty emotional and not the best lyrics but he has an incredibly versatile voice and there are many interpretations available to this song, despite the fact it is obviously quite personal to the lyricist. Jack Penate recently tweeted about Keats love letters to Fanny and it made me think that he is a modern day poet, as most lyricists are (I would not say that "Mims" is a lyricist when the best lyrics he can concoct up are "I'm hot cause I'm fly, you ain't cause you're not"-very insightful and meaningful). This song is perhaps the most keatsian of them all as it talks of forests and castles-very mystical. He has incredible diversity in his voice from an almost rapping style at high speed to this more delicate and slow lullabies like this. I am great respect for singer songwriters who obviously have a love for what they do and research their artform whether it be a chore or a pleasure (for Penate his like of poetry does not appear a chore). So with upbeat, lyrically beautiful songs Jack is the lad for almost anyone; a true master of his craft. He also doesn't appear to be arrogant and is reserved and modest, thankfully.

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